On 22 June, within the activities framed within the 10th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management CHANIA 2023, held in Crete (Greece), the project participated in a Networking session of LIFE projects. The conference, organised by the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), aims to address the important issue of sustainable solid waste management by promoting safe practices and effective technologies. The conference focused mainly on modern solid waste technologies. It aims to stimulate the interest of scientists and citizens and to inform them about the latest developments in the field of municipal solid waste management.
One of the conference sessions was devoted to LIFE projects and was conducted by the Greek National Contact Point Environment, and the LIFE Program External Monitoring Team (EEIG ELMEN).
During the session, successful cases of LIFE projects implementing Circular Economy principles were presented. One of the projects presented was LIFE LEACHLESS. The representatives of the project made a summary of the main actions carried out and the main results obtained, as well as the main difficulties encountered in its development and how they have been solved.
The session served to share experiences and knowledge with the rest of the LIFE projects presented, as well as for the public to acquire ideas and advice for future proposals in the LIFE programme. After the presentations there was a question and answer slot which gave rise to an exchange of opinions among the attendees.

Por último, pero no por ello menos importante, otra de las actividades enmarcadas en la Conferencia en la que participó el equipo del proyecto LIFE LEACHLESS fue la visita al centro de tratamiento de residuos de DEDISA (Creta), en el que se pudo comprobar de primera mano, la problemática que los lixiviados suponen para este tipo de instalaciones y la solución sostenible y eficiente que aporta la tecnología desarrollada en el proyecto
Last but not least, another of the activities included in the Conference in which the LIFE LEACHLESS project team took part was the visit to the waste management facilities of DEDISA (Crete), where they were able to see first-hand the problems that leachate represents for this type of facility and the sustainable and efficient solution provided by the technology developed in the LIFE LEACHLESS project.

Visit at the waste management facilities of DEDISA