The final event of the LIFE METHAMORPHOSIS project was held on 29 September. This project, led by Aqualia, has implemented a series of innovative technologies in the field of the environment and climate change to provide a solution for the treatment of waste water and agricultural and livestock waste and to generate biomethane that can be used directly in the transport sector.
In addition to the beneficiaries, the event brought together various projects and initiatives (mostly from the Life Programme), related to the issue of biomethane production or waste water treatment. One of these projects was the LIFE LEACHLESS. Fundación Cartif, as representative of the project, made a presentation in which the objectives and results achieved so far, as well as the future actions, were stated.

The event served to highlight and share different points of view and sustainable alternatives for the generation of biomethane and waste water treatment and in the specific case of the LIFE LEACHLESS project to arouse the interest of different attendees, landfill managers and waste treatment centres, as a viable and interesting alternative for the treatment of leachate.