Last June 1st, the current monitoring expert of the ELMEN EEIG project, Patricia Serrano, visited the facilities of the Cartif Technology Centre in Boecillo (Valladolid), to carry out the last monitoring meeting of the LIFE LEACHLESS project before its completion. Apart from Cartif staff, the meeting was also attended by the staff of the other two beneficiaries of the project (TRITON and NTUA).
Thus, all the progress made in the project during the last year (since the previous monitoring meeting) was presented. Mainly these advances were focused on the completion of the Implementation Actions, i.e. the installation and operation of the pilot plant in the second of the demonstration sites (the Ano Liosia landfill in Athens), the development of the replicability cases, the use of the final effluent, as well as the evolution of the environmental and socio-economic Monitoring Actions, as well as the Dissemination Actions.
The main conclusions of the meeting are that, with the last activities to be carried out, the results of the LIFE LEACHLESS project are quite satisfactory.

Attendance at the monitoring meeting in person