The LIFE LEACHLESS project has participated in the “LIFE Waste-Water Treatment Platform Meeting”, in Barcelona (Spain), on 29 and 30 January 2020.
The Urban Waste Water Treatment (UWWT) Directive is one of the oldest pieces of EU legislation. Many Member States are still struggling to reach compliance with the 30-year-old directive, which has been undergoing a ‘refit’ evaluation. This includes a review of its effectiveness, relevance, efficiency, coherence and EU added value.
This meeting of the LIFE platform sought to provide policy makers with information on several areas of significant importance for the directive’s restructuring. These are:
- circular economy of water and sludge;
- pollutants of emerging concern;
- urban run-off and storm water overflows; and
The two-day event was hosted by CETaqua (Water Technology Centre) and included plenary sessions, thematic workshops, excursions and a poster.

LIFE LEACHLESS project staff during the visit to the waste water treatment plant.
Representatives from the LIFE LEACHLESS project participated in the thematic workshop on circular economy, carried out a presentation about the project, attended a visit to a wastewater treatment plant and were able to exchange opinions with representatives from other LIFE projects in the water sector, such as LIFE MCUBO, LIFE ALGAECAN, LIFE aWARE or LIFE WIRE.
On the left LIFE LEACHLESS presentation and on the right explanation of the LIFE aWARE and LIFE WIRE projects.
Finally, the meeting also provided opportunities to establish contacts and propose priorities for future LIFE projects.
Event attendee with the brochure of the LIFE LEACHLESS project.