Representatives of the LIFE LEACHLESS project attended the 6th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, organised by NTUA and held from 13-16 June on the Greek island of Naxos.

The Conference aimed to address the significant issue of sustainable solid waste management through the promotion of safe practices & effective technologies

LIFE LEACHLESS participated with the oral contribution “Variations in the properties of leachate according to landfill age”, presenting experimental results obtained in the preparatory activities of the project.

Francisco Corona (CARTIF) during the presenation of the LIFE LEACHLESS project.

During the Conference, the members of the project took the opportunity to carry out networking activities with other LIFE projects. For example, the LIFE PAVEtheWAySTE  project (organizer of the event), LIFE VALPORC (winner of the 3rd prize in the poster category), or LIFE REVAWASTE among others, were present.

Left) LIFE VALPORC, 3rd prize in poster category; right) LIFE REVAWASTE, presentation.

The LIFE Programme was represented with its own stand by Carlos de la Paz (External LIFE Communications Team).

LIFE Programme stand

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