Success in forward osmosis filtration tests

Success in forward osmosis filtration tests

Last week, INFINITVE personnel moved to AQUAPORIN’s facility in Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, to carry out small-scale forward-osmosis condensate filtration tests. The tests were successful in quality of the effluent produced and performance of the operation. The...
Networking with Interreg projects

Networking with Interreg projects

Yesterday, a project seminar was held in Madrid in the framework of the First Call for the Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal 2014-2020 Program (POCTEP). The seminar was addressed to the Principal Beneficiaries of the approved projects and was held at the headquarters of the...
Visit to waste treatment facilities in Athens

Visit to waste treatment facilities in Athens

On the 24th, representatives of NTUA and CARTIF visited, within the framework of the LIFE LEACHLESS project, three waste treatment facilities in the Athens area. The first facility was the landfill and waste treatment center of Attica, the second...
LEACHLESS present at the KoM of the URBAN GREEN UP project

LEACHLESS present at the KoM of the URBAN GREEN UP project

Yesterday, June 8, the kick-off meeting of the H2020 URBAN GREEN UP project took place at the CARTIF facilities. The objective of this project is to develop a strategy for the renaturalization of cities through solutions based on nature. The event was attended by...
Forward osmosis filtration tests are planned

Forward osmosis filtration tests are planned

On 31 May, TRITON representative visited the AQUAPORIN facilities in Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, to plan small-scale leachate condensate filtration tests. So far, leachate evaporation tests have been carried out with the laboratory module and the collected...