The 5th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, organised by NTUA, was held in Athens from 21st to 24th of June. The Conference gathered around 500 attendants who presented more than 200 oral communications and 140 posters.

The project LIFE LEACHLESS presented an oral communication entitled “A low energy two-stage technology for leachate valorisation“.

Left) Francisco Corona (CARTIF) during the presentation of the LIFE LEACHLESS project; Right) LIFE LEACHLESS team from CARTIF and NTUA.

During the event, the networking activity among LIFE projects was very intensive, since projects as LIFE FOODPRINT (organiser), LIFE ALGAECAN (winner of the 1st posters awards), or LIFE PAVEtheWAySTE, among others, were present.

Left, Center) LIFE ALGAECAN, 1st posters awards; Right) LIFE PAVEtheWAySTE, presentation.

LIFE call was broadly represented in the event, not only by LIFE projects, but also by special communications in charge of G. Protopapas, D. Homatidis and Carlos de la Paz, and also a LIFE stand in charge of Carlos de la Paz (External LIFE Communications Team).

Left) LIFE Call presentation by Carlos de la Paz; Center) LIFE Call presentation by G. Protopapas; Right) LEACHLESS team at LIFE stand.

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